Stars in My Garden: Aunt Addie’s Album (block 7)


About the Quilt-Along

The Stars in My Garden quilt-along is a free series designed to guide you through creating a colorful, star-themed quilt. The guide for this quilt is available to download for free, and you can also join the Stars in My Garden email list to receive weekly reminders and links to written instructions and videos for each block. 

Block Seven: Aunt Addie's Album

Quilt design wall with all the blocks made thus far

This week, we’re back to a Sawtooth Star – but with a twist! See how the points on the star are two colors? I promise this block is easy to make. We’ll be combining half square triangles and flying geese – you can do this!

Make a total of four blocks this week. These will start filling in more of the current “round” of our radiating quilt design.

Materials Needed

Makes four (4) blocks:

  • Sixteen (16) 2.5″ x 4.5″ rectangles for flying geese (light pink)
  • Sixteen (16) 2.5″ squares for background (light pink)
  • Four (4) 4.5″ squares for center (medium pink)
  • Sixteen (16) 3″ squares for HST/flying geese points (white)
  • Sixteen (16) 3″ squares for HST/flying geese points (dark pink)
Stacks of pink fabrics cut into squares to make a quilt block

Making the Block

1. Make the Half-Square Triangle (HST) Units

  • Step 1: Pair the dark pink and white 3″ squares. Mark a diagonal on the square — this is the cutting line (after sewing!)

  • Step 2: Mark 1/4″ on each side of the diagonal — these are the sewing lines.

  • Step 3: Sew along the marked sewing lines.

  • Step 4: Cut along the center diagonal, being careful not to cut any sewing lines.

  • Step 5: Press each square and trim to 2-1/2″

  • Step 6: Repeat this process until you have thirty-two (32) half-square triangle units.
diagram of marking, sewing, and cutting a half-square triangle unit
Half square triangle unit in dark pink and white

1. Make the Flying Geese

  • Step 1: Take one HST and place it on one end of a rectangle, right sides together. Draw a diagonal line from corner to corner on the HST. Double check the orientation of the HST. Be sure to position it so that when sewn, the white portion of the HST at the point of the “goose” (reference finished photo)
  • Step 2: Sew directly on the drawn line and press the square back to form a triangle.
  • Step 3: Trim off the excess fabric. Save the scraps for future projects or leader/ender sewing.
  • Step 4: Repeat this process on the other end of the rectangle to complete the flying geese unit. Make sixteen flying geese units.
illustration of the process of making flying geese units

I have a video on my YouTube channel that details making flying geese if you need more detail (plus some tips and tricks!).

2. Assemble the Blocks

  • Sew three units together to make a row
  • Sew each row together to make the block
  • Repeat for a total of four blocks. 
Set these aside until all the quilt blocks are ready to be assembled.
Aunt Addie's Album quilt block in shades of pink

Tips for success

  • Fabric Placement: If you’re working with batiks, you’ll love that both sides of the fabric are the same—no need to worry about right or wrong sides – except when sewing the HST to the Flying Geese rectangle! There is a right side of the HST because of the seam.

  • Precision: Take your time with the Flying Geese units to ensure sharp, even points.

  • Batch Sewing: Chain-piece your HST and then Flying Geese to save time and keep the process efficient.

Looking Ahead

You’ve now completed the Flying Geese blocks that will frame your Sawtooth Star! Next week, we’ll introduce a new block to add some pizzazz to our quilt. Stay tuned for week 3 of the quilt-along.

Resources & Links

Don’t forget to check out these resources to make your quilting journey easier:

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