Writing in a journal

Morning Pages and the Artist Date

Table of Contents

Here we go – almost. These first two weeks are going to cover the basic principles and the basic tools needed to make the most of The Artist’s Way

What You'll Need

  • Two notebooks (one for Morning Pages and one for general notes)
  • An open mind
  • Willingness to discover and explore what is holding you back from reaching your potential

I highly recommend that you purchase The Artist’s Way by Julia Cameron. You can also purchase The Artist’s Way Workbook for additional content and exercises. The links to these books are Amazon affiliate links, which means that I’ll get a tiny portion of the sale. So if you use the links, thank you! But no worries if you already have a copy or find a copy somewhere else (check used bookstores!). The book has been in print for 30 years! There are a lot of copies floating around out there. 

Reading Assignment

Read the chapter “Basic Tools” in The Artist’s Way. Next week’s assignment is to read “Spiritual Electricity: The Basic Principles” which comes before this week’s chapter. Read both now if you wish!

Morning Pages

Morning Pages are the primary tool of creative recovery. You’ll need a dedicated notebook and a writing implement. Every morning you will fill three pages with… whatever. Just write something, anything. There is no wrong way to do Morning Pages. Let me repeat that: NO WRONG WAY to do Morning Pages

On more than one occasion, I have started my Morning Pages like this: “I don’t know what to write about. Morning pages are stupid. I don’t want to write them. I don’t know how I’ll ever fill three pages…” and I just keep going. Grocery lists, to do lists, what the weather is, what I’d like the weather to be, have all been topics. You don’t have to go back to read them unless you want to. So complain, gush, write the same sentence over and over – whatever it takes to fill three pages.

And eventually the magic will happen. Just the other day I wrote three pages for my latest cozy mystery. My hand could hardly keep up with my thoughts. It’s not like that every day. That’s okay. 

The purpose of Morning Pages is to help you silence (or at least turn down the volume of) your inner critic and create a pathway to a strong, clear sense of self. Morning Pages gives you the chance to get all the gunk out of your head, freeing up the flow of ideas and creativity. Hear what Julia Cameron has to say about Morning Pages

So get started – as in tomorrow morning write three pages. Don’t have a notebook yet? Not an excuse. Write on the back of an envelope, the electric bill, the grocery receipt. A notebook is handy but not having one is not an excuse to get started. Then go find a notebook or sheets of paper to devote to Morning Pages. 

I can promise you that it will be awkward at first. That’s good – it means you’re doing it. Keep it up. And do not beat yourself up if you miss a day. It happens, you’ll do it the next day. No one (including you) ever has to see the content of your Morning Pages. So don’t worry about spelling or grammar or neat handwriting. Write, write, write. 

Artist Dates

The Artist Dates nurture your creative consciousness. Once a week plan a date with yourself. Take a walk, visit a museum, go to the beach or park, find a quiet corner in a library and color, go see a movie – spend a little time with yourself. It can be for 15 minutes or a whole day or anywhere in between. 

Listen to your inner artist. You may think that an Artist Date has to be “high” cultural – like visiting an art museum or going to the opera. It can be, but it can also be playing with finger paints, swinging on a swing, or having lunch at that cute cafe. Start small. Take a walk. 

The purpose of the Artist Dates is to refill your consciousness with new images and experiences that serve as inspiration for your art. Hear what Julia Cameron has to say about Artist Dates.

So figure out what you can do this week for an Artist Date. Maybe you take a walk in the park. Maybe you go to that fancy stationery boutique and pick out a notebook for Morning Pages or maybe you go to the dollar store and pick out a notebook – because Artist Dates don’t have to be expensive or cost anything at all. 

Looking Ahead

Next week we’ll take a look at:

  1. Basic principles of creativity
  2. Check in with how you’re doing with Morning Pages and your Artist Date
  3. Read ahead if you wish: “Spiritual Electricity: The Basic Principles” chapter in The Artist’s Way.

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