Adobe Illustrator Pen Tool tutorial

How to Use the Pen Tool

Using the Pen Tool (Keyboard Shortcut: P)

This is probably the tool that people fear the most. The good news is that with a little practice, you can master this powerful tool!

In this exercise, we practice making straight and curved lines. I’ll always refer to the keyboard shortcut as the easiest way to invoke the pen tool. 

P is Pen Tool

Draw a Straight Line

This is the perfect opportunity to imbed the keyboard shortcut into your memory! Hit “P” on the keyboard to invoke the pen tool.

Click at the start point, then click at the next point to create a straight line. Close the shape by clicking on the starting point. For an open shape, hold CMD and click. (Ctrl + click on PC). 

NOTE: I choose a fun color for the stroke rather than use the default black outline.

Using the Pen Tool to create straight lines.
The pen tool on the tools menu of Adobe Illustrator

Forget the shortcut? It’s shown on the pen fly-out menu.

Draw a Curved Line

Using the Pen Tool to create curved lines.

Click and drag to create a curve.

Click and drag to create direction handles for the anchor point. Drag in the direction of where you want the line to continue.

It takes a little practice to get the line to behave the way you want. You can always edit the anchor points and direction handles after the line is created by using the direct selection tool (shortcut: A). 

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